About Us

In 1983, a group of like minded creators on the Sunshine Coast came together with a common goal - to find a place from which to sell their handcrafted goods. 

....and just like that, the Sunshine Coast Arts & Crafts (SCAC) was born. 

First opening in 'The Dome' on the outskirts of Montville on April 2, 1983, SCAC relocated to the former 'Montville Book & Yarn Shop' in July 1984, where we stayed for 38 years until moving to our current space at 144 Main Street, Montville in November 2022.

With around 50 current members, we are entering our 43rd year in Montville and are going from strength to strength. 

We love nothing more than fostering creativity and are always welcoming of new members with diverse and unique talents. If you have a love of creating hand made items, please don't hesitate to get in touch!
